Saturday, December 03, 2005

Costa Rica Day 5

We woke up this morning, and started with our usual routine of trying to find a shower with hot water. They have these strange electric showerheads which heat up the water, and don't always work correctly.

At the nursing home today, we finished the decorations, then Shveta painted a few of the ladies fingernails. It was really cute, and a few of them talked with us for quite a while, even though I didn't understand most of what they were saying. After the nails were done, we started playing bingo, which they really loved. For some reason, bingo seems to be the universal senior citizen pastime. It was a lot of fun, watching and helping them put their markers on their bingo cards, and good spanish practice.

After lunch, Santi and Allan took us on a tour of Orosi valley, which was some of the most lindo scenery we've seen yet. We stopped by some churches, and were constantly surrounded with gorgeous green mountains, and were near a fast moving river. One of the churches was built in the 16th century by spanish colonists, and had a brick floor. The garden and view were really nice. At one point we walked across a small suspension bridge, with the river roaring beneath us. The bridge wobbled with every step, and had a mesh floor, so we could see straight below us.

When we returned to home base, we took a quick walk and ate a really delicious bread from a local bakery. Then after dinner, we had our final spanish class.

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